


Posted 2017年12月4日 在凌晨0点


Dec. 4, 2017 
联系人:Jennifer Whittaker


MACON, Ga. – 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) recognized the best of the organization’s volunteers and county chapters during its 80th annual convention on Jekyll Island. 这些州奖获得者因他们在过去一年中开展的促进农业发展的项目而受到表彰.

“Each year 乔治亚州农场局 recognizes outstanding young farmers who compete in our contests and county Farm Bureaus that have gone the extra mile to promote agriculture in their communities. It’s the efforts of our volunteer members who visit their local schools to teach students about agriculture or host farm tours for their community leaders and elected officials that create a greater understanding of farming in their communities. 乔治亚州农场局’s success in serving as the voice of Georgia farmers is a direct result of the work our county leaders and volunteers do,GFB主席杰拉尔德·朗说. “我祝贺我们的个人获奖者, volunteer leaders and staff who received state awards and thank everyone who conducted ag awareness activities in their communities this year.” 

GFB named a McKemie Award winner - the highest honor given to a county Farm Bureau in recognition of its overall member program - from each of its three membership categories. 厄普森县农业局, 布莱恩·约翰斯顿是谁的总统, 获得小型亚洲体育博彩平台类别的麦凯米奖. 图姆斯县农业局, 克里斯·霍普金斯是谁的总统, 获得了中等亚洲体育博彩平台类别的麦凯米奖. 霍尔县农业局, 谁的总统是杰里·特鲁洛夫, 获得了大型亚洲体育博彩平台类别的奖项. 麦凯米奖是为了纪念该组织的一位前主席W.J. McKemie.

麦凯米比赛的决赛选手, 按字母顺序排列, 小成员类别是:培根, Crawford, Hancock, Heard, Jasper, Macon, 特鲁特伦和特纳县. 中等亚洲体育博彩平台类别的最终入围者是:库克, Dawson, Greene, Harris, Monroe, Pike, Polk, Screven, 特鲁普和华盛顿县. 入围大型亚洲体育博彩平台类别的有:银行, Barrow, Cherokee, Cobb, Coffee, Colquitt, Henry, Houston, Jackson, 麦克杜菲和保定县. 

颁发的其他州奖还包括:杰出推广奖 & Education Award received by 图姆斯县农业局; Outstanding Women’s Leadership Committee Award received by 霍尔县农业局; Outstanding Legislative Committee Award received by Henry County Farm Bureau; and Outstanding Young Farmer Committee Award received by 霍尔县农业局.  

黛比·佩恩, 科布县农业局(CCFB)办公室经理, 获得该组织的杰出办公室经理奖. Payne, 自1994年以来谁一直受雇于CCFB, 她在当地社区推广农业和农场局所做的工作得到了认可. Payne is responsible for coordinating CCFB’s agricultural advocacy and Ag in the Classroom activities throughout the year including organizing the CCFB Farmers Market.

Dr. 温迪Fushchetti, 班克斯县的一名小学教师, 获得GFB颁发的2017年度最佳教师奖. Fushchetti, 谁在荷马的班克斯县小学教三年级, 因为在数学中融入农业知识而被认可, 科学和社会研究课程,教她的学生农业如何影响他们的日常生活. She received a $500 award and an expense-paid trip to the National Ag in the Classroom Conference in Portland, Maine, 2018年6月.

华盛顿县的Eddy Turner赢得了2017年GFB优质干草大赛, 对任何生产百慕大草干草的亚洲体育博彩平台成员开放吗. Samples of hay entered in the contest were tested at the University of Georgia Testing Lab using the Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) Test, 哪一个预测纤维的消化率和牲畜吃干草的可能性. 特纳获胜的Tift 44百慕大干草的RFQ评级为136.  He won the free use of a Vermeer 504R Signature baler for one year courtesy of the Vermeer Manufacturing Company with the option to purchase the baler at a reduced price at the end of the year.

麦迪逊县的托马斯和艾丽西亚·哈雷尔获得了GFB青年农民成就奖, 哪个奖项认可那些靠务农赚取大部分收入的年轻农民. 在哈勒尔, 谁经营乔丹农场, 第一代农民是养鸡养牛种干草的吗. 他们还拥有一家制造和安装牲畜处理设备的公司.

作为州赢家, 哈雷尔一家收到了一辆由南方农场局人寿亚洲体育博彩平台公司赞助的并排多用途车, a $500 cash prize from AgSouth Farm Credit and an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau Convention in Nashville, 田纳西州, Jan. 2018年5-10日,角逐国家荣誉.                                                                                                                                               

Will Godowns of Pike County was recognized as the GFB Young Farmer Discussion Meet winner and will enjoy an expense-paid trip to the AFBF Convention in Nashville to compete for national honors, 由GFB提供. The discussion meet is intended to simulate a committee meeting during which agriculturalists discuss issues affecting agriculture. Godowns received an all-terrain-vehicle courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance and a $500 cash award 由GFB提供.

来自汉考克县的乔希和斯凯·彭尼诺夫妇获得了优秀青年农民农业奖. GFB presents this award to recognize young farmers who earn most of their income from something other than production agriculture. 乔希是一名牲畜拍卖师和牲畜搬迁专家. 斯凯是奥克穆尔吉司法巡回法院的助理地区检察官. 这对夫妇还养牛和种干草. 作为州的赢家, the Penninos received an all-terrain vehicle sponsored by Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance and an expense-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau Convention to compete in the national contest.

成立于1937年, the 乔治亚州农场局 Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158 county chapters. 作为一个亚洲体育博彩平台驱动, 非政府组织, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. 它的志愿者成员积极参加提高农业意识的活动.

GFB亚洲体育博彩平台资格向公众开放,并提供各种各样的福利, 包括亚洲体育博彩平台和医疗服务折扣, 旅游和家庭娱乐. 参加任何亚洲体育博彩平台福利都是可选的,而不是成为亚洲体育博彩平台的必要条件. 如果您想了解更多有关农业的信息,请访问, like 乔治亚农场局的脸书 or follow GFB在推特上.



CUTLINE FOR PHOTO:  乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) honored county Farm Bureaus for promoting agriculture and individual members for personal achievement during the organization’s 80th annual convention. GFB主席Gerald Long(后排), (最左)祝贺2017年GFB奖获得者:(前排, from left) GFB Young Farmer Achievement Award winners Thomas and Alicia Harrell of Madison County with their children Annabelle, Luke, Abigail and Augusta; GFB Outstanding Office Manager 黛比·佩恩 of Cobb County; Caroline Lewallen accepting the GFB Outstanding Young Farmer Committee Award for 霍尔县农业局; Mary Jones accepting the GFB Outstanding Women’s Leadership Committee Award for Hall County; (back row, second from left) GFB Young Farmer Discussion Meet Award winner Will Godowns of Pike County; Andy Garland accepting the GFB Outstanding Legislative Committee Award for Henry County Farm Bureau; Randy Usher accepting the GFB Outstanding Promotion & Education Committee Award for 图姆斯县农业局; Chris Hopkins accepting the GFB McKemie Award for Toombs County in the medium membership category; Marcus South accepting the GFB McKemie Award for 厄普森县农业局 in the small membership category; Jerry Truelove accepting the GFB McKemie Award for 霍尔县农业局 in the large membership category; and GFB Hay Contest Winner Eddy Turner of Washington County.

照片中没有GFB的乔治亚州农业年度课堂教师. Wendy Fuschetti of Banks County and the Excellence in Agriculture Award Winners Josh and Skye Pennino of Hancock County.  (图片由乔治亚州农场局提供.)


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