


by 詹妮弗·惠塔克

发布 2023年12月7日 晚上23:30





佐治亚州梅肯市的. – 12月11日,约1411名来自全州各地的乔治亚州农民和农业企业领导人在杰基尔岛会面. 第86届乔治亚州农场局(GFB)年会的3-5. 为期三天的活动包括一个贸易展览, awards presentations and educational sessions that briefed farmers on policy and production issues affecting Georgia’s major commodities.

Jekyll Island Authority Executive Director Mark Williams welcomed convention guests at the start of the general session on Dec. 4. GFB President Tom McCall delivered his annual address and Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper gave an overview of what the Georgia Department of Agriculture has accomplished during his first year in office. Motivational speaker Matt Lohr encouraged members of Georgia’s agriculture community to create a lasting legacy that positively impacts others.

政府. Brian Kemp和Lt. 政府. 伯特·琼斯, 由于格鲁吉亚大会的特别会议,两人都在亚特兰大, 为GFB成员提供视像讯息.

The convention’s “Diggin’ In ” theme referenced how GFB has given Georgia farmers a united voice in the legislative halls of Atlanta and Washington, D.C., 从1937年开始, 并让GFB成员有机会与一系列讲者一起提升他们的领导和宣传技巧. Convention events also highlighted the leadership development and ag awareness programs the organization’s 158-chapter offices and volunteer members conduct statewide to prepare the next generation of ag leaders and connect with 消费者.


GFB主席汤姆·麦考尔在他的年度演讲中庆祝了该组织在2023年取得的成功. McCall强调了GFB在过去一年中取得的立法成就以及该组织正在解决的问题. 立法上的成功包括影响将农业和林业产品的卡车重量差异增加到88,并帮助建立乔治亚农业保护地役权计划, 哪一个国家将提供资金保护农田免受开发.

“无论我们面临什么情况, 适应力和毅力是造就农民的特质,麦考尔说. “My hope is that you will keep that attitude of diggin’ in top of mind when you think about how you can help Farm Bureau remain the voice of agriculture in our great state.”

他说,GFB也在努力解决鹿类作物受损的问题, 争取合理的H-2A劳工条款, 保护私有产权和水资源, 反对繁重的环境保护署规定, 保护自然灾害援助资金,打击廉价进口商品对不公平贸易的影响.

McCall pointed out that GFB hasn’t wavered from its founding purpose 86 years ago to provide leadership and assistance to farmers to ensure agriculture is a thriving business.

“作为一个亚洲体育博彩平台制组织,亚洲体育博彩平台就是我们的使命. 他们是我们成立的原因, 它们将是我们拥有可持续未来的原因,他说.



“我们有新的领域需要播种,有新的挑战需要克服,有新的胜利需要赢得. 这就是为什么今天, 带着谦卑和奉献, 我宣布我将竞选连任亚洲体育博彩平台局长,麦考尔说.


通过视频,政府. 肯普说,在2024财政年度,该州将提供额外的资金来支持柑橘研究职位, 蓝莓, 桃子和花生项目, 他说,这些研究“是确保我们农民繁荣未来的重要步骤”.”

他还指出,在朗兹县开设了一家新的乳制品加工厂, 以及在秋收季节暂停征收燃油和柴油税.

“I look forward to working alongside partners like Commissioner Harper and all of you to protect the resources our farming families depend on,坎普说.


“我只是想告诉你,我非常感谢农业局和它的所有成员,感谢你们为伟大的乔治亚州所做的一切. 农业是头号产业,怎么说都不为过。. “我们永远不能忘记我们的大小农民为我们州的经济所做的贡献.”

哈珀说,GDA为乔治亚州的农民努力工作 & 消费者

Georgia’s 17th Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper gave an overview of what the Georgia Department of Agriculture has accomplished since he took office in January.

“你们乔治亚州农业部的工作人员日夜为你们工作. 我们给格鲁吉亚人发了70多种不同的执照,哈珀说。, 来自欧文县的第七代农民. “我想不出还有哪个国家机构每天都在影响每一个格鲁吉亚人.


“城市里的格鲁吉亚人依靠农村养活他们. 格鲁吉亚农村人依赖格鲁吉亚城市人购买他们的产品。. “我们(农民)必须让别人明白我们是怎么做的,为什么要这样做. 大多数人认为农业就是牛、母猪和犁. We’ve got to educate 消费者 to realize the technology and innovative production practices farmers are using to grow their food while protecting the soil and water on their farms.”

One way the GDA worked to bridge the gap between farmers and 消费者 this year was by partnering with the Atlanta Braves to promote its Georgia Grown program that spotlights food items grown and processed in the state.

Harper said the GDA Food Safety Team passed its third-year audit and that the GDA Meat Inspection Team is doing such a good job that the USDA has asked it to teach inspectors in other states.

自从第一个非本地的黄腿大黄蜂在美国被发现以来.S. 在萨凡纳地区. 9, Harper said the GDA has worked with the USDA Animal Protection Health Inspection Service and UGA College of Agriculture staff to identify, 捕获并消灭5个入侵物种的巢穴.

由于大黄蜂是传粉昆虫的捕食者,GDA已经优先考虑消灭和限制大黄蜂的传播. There are more than 100 different commodities that rely on pollinators to cross-fertilize crop plants and make a crop such as watermelons, 蓝莓, 草莓, 玉米和许多种在乔治亚州的蔬菜, 根据GDA. 哈珀在之前的声明中表示,传粉媒介对格鲁吉亚农业的影响约为4.5亿美元.

 GDA推出了一份双周通讯《亚洲体育博彩平台》,提供重要的最新信息. 在这里注册黄腿分类帐 .


“We’ve reinstated the feral hog task force and we’re working alongside the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the Georgia Soil & 水资源保护署实施诱捕和根除计划,”哈珀说.


“你们有一个非凡的团队致力于促进农业发展, 教育其他人,并代表亚特兰大和华盛顿的农业.C.哈珀说。.


在发表GFB年会主题演讲时, 第五代农民, father and agriculture advocate Matt Lohr encouraged members of Georgia’s ag community to create a lasting legacy for agriculture that positively impacts others by making their voice heard.

多年来, Lohr has advocated for agriculture in numerous roles which include USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Chief under former U.S. 农业部长桑尼·珀杜现在是弗吉尼亚州农林部长.

洛尔鼓励与会者在困难时期要坚持并依靠他们的信念. 他讨论了接受现实的重要性,尽管生活是不公平的, 你可以把消极转化为积极,只要你下定决心,明智地处理好手头的事情.

最后, 洛尔鼓励农业局的员工和志愿者们乐于用爱心为他人服务, 种植和服务.

“当顾客进门时,欢迎并问候他们. 坏的或好的互动会伴随人们多年,”洛尔说. “It’s the little things we do that will make the greatest impact and make a difference in someone’s life to leave a positive legacy.”

洛尔和他的两个孩子在谢南多厄山谷拥有派克谷农场,他们在那里生产家禽, 牛肉, 甜玉米和大豆.


Jekyll Island (JI) Authority Executive Director Mark Williams gave a preview of some improvements the authority is making to expand the JI Campground and to improve the golf courses. 威廉姆斯说,当局正在增加56个露营地和6个圆顶帐篷.

“这是乔治亚州立公园系统中面积最大的露营地,威廉姆斯说。, 他之前在乔治亚州自然资源部担任了14年的专员.

Williams said the Mercer University Medical School has opened a clinic in the JI’s main shopping village on the beach that offers urgent and primary medical care for Jekyll visitors, 岛上有600名常住居民和地区居民.           

州立法规定,该岛65%的土地必须保持未开发状态, 我们的发展已经达到了极限,”威廉姆斯说.

He encouraged convention attendees to drive around the island at night to enjoy the Holly Jolly Christmas Light display that JI employees started putting up in July.



成立于1937年, the 乔治亚州农场局 Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158-chapter offices that cover all of Georgia’s 159 counties. 作为一个亚洲体育博彩平台驱动, 非政府组织, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. 它的志愿者成员积极参加提高农业意识的活动.

GFB亚洲体育博彩平台资格向公众开放,并提供各种各样的福利, 包括亚洲体育博彩平台和医疗服务折扣, 旅游和家庭娱乐. 参加任何亚洲体育博彩平台福利都是可选的,而不是成为亚洲体育博彩平台的必要条件. 有关农业的更多信息,请访问,比如脸谱网上的乔治亚州农场局,或者在推特上关注GFB.



乔治亚州农场局主席汤姆·麦考尔在该组织12月11日举行的第86届年度大会上发表了年度演讲. 3-5人在杰基尔岛.

他在乔治亚州农场局的年会上说, Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper gave an overview of what the Georgia Department of Agriculture has accomplished this past year.

Jekyll Island Authority Executive Director Mark Williams welcomed 乔治亚州农场局 convention attendees who were on the island for the organization’s annual convention Dec. 3-5.

Motivational speaker Matt Lohr encouraged members of Georgia’s agriculture community to create a lasting legacy for agriculture that positively impacts others by making their voice heard, 在困难时期依靠他们的信念, 化消极为积极,为他人服务.




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