


发布 2022年12月9日 在凌晨0点


12月. 8, 2022                     

联系人:珍妮花 Whittaker                                                                      

478-474-8411,分机. 5334



佐治亚州梅肯市的. – Some 1,416 Georgia farmers and agribusiness leaders from across the state met on Jekyll Island 12月. 第85届乔治亚州农场局(GFB)年会的4-6. 为期三天的活动包括一个贸易展览, awards presentations and educational sessions that briefed farmers on policy and production issues affecting Georgia’s major commodities.

GFB President Tom McCall delivered his annual address during the general session on 12月. 5.  乔治亚州州长. 布莱恩·坎普, 美国农业局主席Zippy 杜瓦尔说, outgoing Georgia Agriculture Commissioner 加里 Black and Georgia Agriculture Commissioner-elect Tyler 哈珀 also addressed convention attendees. Jekyll Island Authority Executive Director Jones 钩子  welcomed convention guests during the general session.

大会的“85年” & Growing” theme highlighted how GFB has given Georgia farmers a united voice in the legislative halls of Atlanta and Washington, D.C.它成立于1937年. Convention events also highlighted the leadership development and ag awareness programs the organization’s 158 chapter offices and volunteer members hold statewide to prepare the next generation of ag leaders and connect with consumers. 了解更多有关GFB的历史访问 / 85 yearhistory .


在发表年度演讲时, McCall discussed the significant changes Georgia farmers have seen in the past 85 years.

“Our advancement in technology is mind-blowing – from the early days of steel-wheeled tractors, 就像我爷爷在1934年买的一样, 到利用全球定位系统卫星自动驾驶的拖拉机. 科技改善了我们的生活,使我们更有效率、更多产.麦考尔说. “很难把握85年后的农业会是什么样子, but I believe strongly that 乔治亚州农场局 must continue our work in making it better, 就像最初的农民为我们做的那样.”  

He highlighted the many ways GFB is working to ensure its and Georgia agriculture’s future while honoring the organization’s past.

"We haven’t wavered from our original founding purpose 85 years ago: to provide leadership and assistance to farmers and to ensure agriculture is a thriving industry in the future,麦考尔说. “我们很自豪能成为格鲁吉亚农民的代言人. We do this in the legislative arena through our advocacy efforts and in our communities through our public relations and ag awareness programs.”

多年来, GFB has secured legislation that protects farmers’ property and water rights and provides relief on sales and property taxes that allows farmers to keep operating.

“农业局不仅仅是为农民服务的. 我们的工作也惠及每一位每天吃三顿饭的消费者. 我们的亚洲体育博彩平台资格对任何人开放, and our members have access to an incredible variety of member benefits from travel discounts to banking and insurance products,麦考尔说.  “Will you join me in regaining that same level of passion that led our founding members to ask friends and neighbors to join our organization?” 

McCall presented outgoing Georgia Agriculture Commissioner 加里 Black with a 乔治亚州农场局 honorary lifetime membership in recognition of the many contributions Black has made to Georgia agriculture during his 40-year career. 

“We appreciate 加里’s wife, Lydia, sharing 加里 all these years as he worked for Georgia farmers. 谢谢你, 加里, for everything you have done for Georgia agriculture and wish you the best in the next chapter of your life.”

布莱克的职业生涯是从乔治亚州农场局的青年农民开始的 & 牧场主协调员, then lead the Georgia Agribusiness Council before being elected ag commissioner in 2010.


当他走上讲台时,乔治亚州州长. 布莱恩·坎普 acknowledged the importance of Georgia farmers saying, “Agriculture is our No. 1行业. 我知道这一点,也不会忘记.”

Kemp thanked outgoing Agriculture Commissioner 加里 Black for his 12 years of service in leading the Georgia Department of Agriculture and building the Georgia Grown brand for products made in the Peach State.



“有些人说我们必须继续砍. 泰勒说我们必须继续耕种,”肯普说. “我们将继续确保乔治亚州农民的声音被听到.”

The governor reviewed legislative wins Georgia agriculture had in the 2022 General Assembly.

其中包括通过《亚洲体育博彩平台》, expanding the ag)教育 program for elementary schools from a pilot program to permanent statewide status, 并通过参议院396号法案, which establishes the framework for Georgia food banks to purchase fresh produce directly from Georgia farmers, 坎普说.

“The Right to Farm Act gives Georgia’s farmers protection from being sued out of business by neighbors for normal farming practices. Expanding the ag elementary education program will ensure the next generation of Georgians will know how their food is grown,坎普说. “参议院396号法案授权我们充分利用佐治亚农场食品银行项目. In a time when Georgians are facing record high inflation, more Georgians are facing food insecurity. 乔治亚州的一些农民很难把所有的作物都运到市场上. Senate Bill 396 connects food banks directly with farmers to give more Georgians access to fresh food and vegetables.”

肯普说,乔治亚州议会投资了800美元,在本财政年度,该计划将提供000美元, 感谢离任代表. 特里·英格兰是众议院拨款委员会主席.

我感谢Rep. 特里·英格兰确保了这些资金. 在他退休之际,我要感谢他为格鲁吉亚所做的贡献. 农民掌握着国家的钱袋,这绝不是一件坏事,”肯普说. “I’d also like to thank Senator Russ Goodman for introducing this bill and 加里 Black for his support in getting this passed and implemented.”

Other ag achievements Kemp referenced included the creation of the Agricultural Trust Fund to use fees farmers pay to acquire a GATE card to fund marketing and promotion of GA products and state Farmers Markets.

坎普说 he and the 2022 general assembly made significant investments in UGA Cooperative Extension and research, ag)教育, 以及水土保持项目.

“My commitment in 2018 to make Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences the best agriculture college in the country is something we will work on in the next four years, 坎普说.

In the last fiscal year, Georgia saw 51,132 new jobs created in the private sector, which led to $21.2 billion in investments coming into communities statewide with 85% of the communities outside of Metro Atlanta, 坎普说.

“Farming means business and here in the Peach state – the best place to do business – I want to keep it that way. I still have that chainsaw that Gerald Long gave me here at the 2018 乔治亚州农场局 convention, 我打算用它,因为我们有更多的木头要砍.”  


Outgoing Georgia Agriculture Commissioner 加里 Black expressed appreciation for his time in office.

“I’m thankful for the 12 years you’ve allowed me to serve as your agriculture commissioner,布莱克说.

以他一贯的干巴巴的机智, 布莱克分享了他在担任公职和竞选公职期间学到的经验. These lessons included: be prepared to work hard once you’re in office and take responsibility for everything that happens in the office you lead.

“你拥有一切. 不是你的员工,不是你的发言人,也不是你的政治发言人,”布莱克说.




“I have found in life that if you tell them [reporters] the truth and don’t avoid things amazing things can happen,布莱克说.


“防守是胜利的反面,”布莱克说. “未来需要我们所有人都站出来.”


美国农场局联合会主席Zippy 杜瓦尔介绍了他的妻子, 珍妮花, 致GFB成员, 赞扬了GFB,并指出了美国农业面临的挑战.

虽然他的旅行让他参加了全国各地的州农业局会议, 杜瓦尔, 格林县本地人, 对GFB在促进农业方面所做的努力表示赞赏.

 杜瓦尔谈到了对军队的支持, 在贸易战和COVID-19大流行中幸存下来, 美国水域.S. 监管、劳动力、投入成本、加州第12号提案和心理健康问题.

“If you’re going through stress, the stigma of being embarrassed because of that is wrong.

We’ve all got stress and we all should be looking for a place to release that stress,” 杜瓦尔说. “你不能独自处理这些事情. 如果你需要帮助,就说出来. 这没什么好羞愧的. Don’t let us have to come and see your family because you’ve done something bad to yourself.”

投入成本膨胀, 不断变化的监管压力和无处不在的风险, 美国农民继续为繁荣而战, 杜瓦尔说, 并强调农业局仍然是他们的坚定捍卫者.                         

投入成本膨胀, 不断变化的监管压力和无处不在的风险, 美国农民继续为繁荣而战, 杜瓦尔说, 并强调农业局仍然是他们的坚定捍卫者.

杜瓦尔说:“103年来,我们比以往任何时候都更重要. “你可能永远不会知道我们完成、阻止或放慢的所有事情.”

杜瓦尔说,展望未来, one of the biggest challenges is that almost half of Congress – 260 representatives and senators – is either new or has been in office less than four years and has never been part of writing a farm bill. 杜瓦尔 emphasized that while AFBF can make contacts and present the organization’s stance on policy issues, the real power lies in members contacting their members of Congress and sharing how the farm bill has helped them.

“他们需要知道你们是天才,你们是专家,”他说. “他们需要从你们那里听到这些. 因为当你告诉他们那个故事, 因为当我们和农业局在那个层面上合作时, 我们可以让事情发生.”


Georgia Agriculture Commissioner-elect Tyler 哈珀 said agriculture has great potential and that this is an exciting time for the state’s farmers despite the challenges they face.

哈珀, 来自欧文县的第七代农民, touted some of agriculture’s biggest legislative victories – the Georgia Agricultural Tax Exemption, Freedom to Farm Act – and stressed that constituent engagement would be key to pushing forward to support Georgia’s farmers in other ways.

“我们必须共同努力,确保农业继续蓬勃发展, 以确保您的业务和您的行业每天都继续蓬勃发展,哈珀说, “作为一个团队,我们可以做到这一点.”

He praised 乔治亚州农场局’s efforts to affect public policy decisions and legislation and urged GFB members to help by cultivating relationships with lawmakers.

“如果你不认识大会的成员, 如果你不了解你的立法者, 你的州参议员或州代表, 我想鼓励你去了解他们,哈珀说. “带他们出去吃. 在1月份会议开始之前了解他们, 因为当你的公共政策工作人员向你发出警告时, you can pick up your phone and call your legislator and let them know the issues that you’re dealing with, 因为你们有一对一的关系.” 

哈珀 celebrated Georgia’s establishment of elementary school agricultural education programs, noting that Georgia is the first state with ag)教育 available from kindergarten to adulthood, a crucial effort to ensure that agricultural business can thrive and that consumers have a clear understanding on the origins of their food.

支持教育, 哈珀 said it’s also essential to continue expansion of broadband internet availability. 哈珀最后强调农业是一个国家安全问题.

“我不知道你怎么想, but I don’t want some foreign entity providing food and fiber and shelter here on our own shores. 我希望我们能在家里做这件事,”他说. “美国人享有世界上最安全、最丰富的食物供应. 我们可以继续确保格鲁吉亚农业的成功, 美国农业是成功的, 你通过保护乔治亚州的农民在你的实体中取得了成功, protecting the producer and through that lens of understanding how important and how vital it is to our economy.”                 


Jekyll Island Authority Executive Director Jones 钩子 welcomed GFB to the island and celebrated how the organization’s history is closely connected to Jekyll, 这是在庆祝国有制75周年.


GFB has held its convention on the island since 1961, except for 1963, 1967, 1975, and 2020.

“The Jekyll Island Authority is proud of our continued association with 乔治亚州农场局,胡克斯说. “We are committed to continued improvement of this island and to assure Jekyll is an enjoyable and attractive convention destination for all Farm Bureau delegates today and delegates yet to come. 谢谢你!!”

胡克斯还强调了他与GFB的个人关系, 注意到他的祖父和祖父都是农民, V.H. 钩子, 是乔治亚州农民联合会伊曼纽尔县分会的主席, 也就是后来的亚洲体育博彩平台. 钩子 said he and his wife still own a portion of his maternal grandfather’s farm in Candler County.

钩子 expressed gratitude that GFB stuck with Jekyll Island as its convention facilities were updated from 2010 through 2011, 包括在一系列他所谓的临时展馆中举办活动.

“Some of you will remember meeting in tents within the historic district during this time --- when we first mentioned tents, 你的几个成员以为我们说的是马戏团帐篷,胡克斯说. “I am thankful to Farm Bureau that during the years when we had demolished the old convention center and this new center was under construction, 你一直在杰基尔岛!”

GFB was one of the first organizations to hold a meeting in the new convention center after it was completed in 2012.


成立于1937年, the 乔治亚州农场局 Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158-chapter offices that cover all of Georgia’s 159 counties. 作为一个亚洲体育博彩平台驱动, 非政府组织, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. Its volunteer members actively participate in activities that promote agriculture awareness.

GFB亚洲体育博彩平台资格向公众开放,并提供各种各样的福利, 包括亚洲体育博彩平台和医疗服务折扣, 旅游和家庭娱乐. Enrollment in any of the member benefits is optional and not a requirement for membership. 有关农业的更多信息,请访问,就像 乔治亚农场局的脸书 或遵循 GFB在推特上.





照片附注: 亚洲体育博彩平台局长汤姆·麦考尔(左)问候州长. 布莱恩·肯普在GFB大会上. (图片由乔治亚州农场局提供)


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