


发布 2023年12月6日 22:27 PM


联系人:Jennifer Whittaker



GFB President Tom McCall continues serving second term as GFB president

GFB South Georgia VP Daniel 约翰逊 redesignated GFB 1st vice president


Ralph 考德威尔 continues serving as GFB Middle Georgia vice president                                                             

佐治亚州梅肯市的. - 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) voting delegates elected the organization’s 2024 board of directors Dec. 在杰基尔岛举行的第86届GFB年会上.

GFB President Tom McCall begins the second year of his second, two-year term. 他于2020年首次当选. 麦考尔和他的家人种植各种粮食作物, 甜玉米, 干草和稻草以及肉牛, 他们在埃尔伯特县的福特森尼亚农场饲养猪和羊. He and his wife, Jane, have two adult living children: Al (daughter-in-law Rachel) and Katie M. 阿彻(女婿布里斯托尔),两个孙子和一个孙女. 他们的大儿子巴德于2000年去世. 麦考尔一家是卫理公会教徒.

麦考尔自1978年以来一直是农业局的成员. His first leadership role with Farm Bureau was serving as the chairman of the Elbert County Farm Bureau (ECFB) Young Farmers & 农场主(YF&R)委员会. 他代表GFB第二区参加GFB青年基金&1981-82年任R委员会主席,1982年任州委员会主席. McCall represented GFB’s 2nd District on the GFB Board of Directors from 1984-1996.  他还曾担任欧洲央行行长数年.

McCall served in the Georgia House of Representatives for 26 years from Jan. 9, 1995, 当他宣誓就职时, 直到他在2020年任期结束时从立法机构退休. 作为州代表,麦考尔代表乔治亚州众议院区. 33, which at the time included Elbert and Lincoln counties and portions of Madison, 威尔克斯和哥伦比亚县. 麦考尔是乔治亚州农业委员会主席 & 2005-2020年1月任消费者事务委员会委员.

GFB voting delegates redesignated GFB 南乔治亚州副总统丹尼尔·约翰逊 of Pierce County as the organization’s 1st vice president from among the organization’s three regional vice presidents, 他自2021年以来一直担任该职位. The GFB first vice president would be tapped to lead the organization should the president be unable to serve. 但以理开始第三年, three-year term representing GFB’s South Georgia region that consists of 53-counties in the southern third of the state.

约翰逊, 谁种植烟草?, 玉米, 棉花和花生, previously represented the organization’s 第十区 on the GFB Board of Directors from 2006-2016. He is vice president of Pierce County Farm Bureau and previously served as PCFB president for 25 years. 约翰逊 chairs the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Tobacco. He and his wife, Patricia, have four children and three grandchildren.

Ralph 考德威尔 of Heard County begins the third year of his three-year term as GFB Middle Georgia vice president, which members in the organization’s Middle Georgia Region elected him to in 2021. The GFB Middle Georgia Region includes 56 county Farm Bureaus in the middle third of Georgia stretching from the Alabama line to the South Carolina line.

考德威尔 and his wife, Kim, raise poultry and cattle while growing 玉米 and soybeans. 这对夫妇的儿子, 科尔顿, 谁娶了德莱娜, 他不去律师事务所的时候就在农场帮忙. 考德威尔, 做了30多年的传教士, 目前在地区教会担任临时牧师.

考德威尔 began serving as a Heard County Farm Bureau director in 1990 and is the HCFB president. 他曾在GFB青年农民组织任职 & 1992-1994年担任牧场主委员会主席.

GFB members in the organization’s north region re-elected Bernard Sims of Catoosa County to his sixth, 担任三年的GFB北乔治亚州副主席. 西姆斯于2008年首次当选.

The GFB North Georgia Region includes 49 county Farm Bureaus in the upper third of Georgia. Sims serves as the Catoosa County Farm Bureau president, a position he has held since 1979. Sims and his wife, Janet, grow turf grass, small grains and hay and raise cattle. The Sims have two surviving adult children and eight grandchildren and two great-granddaughters. 他们是燃烧丛林浸信会的成员.

The following were reelected without opposition to serve two-year terms on the 乔治亚州农场局 Board of Directors: Bill Bryan of Chattooga County, 1st District; Gilbert Barrett of Habersham County, 2nd District; Brad Marks of Newton County, 3rd District; Russ Wilburn of Barrow County, 4th District; Leighton Cooley of Crawford County, 5th District; James Malone of Laurens County, 6th District; Gary Bell of Evans County, 7th District; Scotty Raines of Turner County, 8th District; Paul Shirah of Mitchell County, 第九区和培根县的大卫·李, 第十区.

GFB directors beginning the second year of the two-year terms they were elected to in 2022 are: Wesley Hall of Forsyth County, 1st District; Russ Moon of Madison County, 2nd District; Nora Goodman of Paulding County, 3rd District; Skeetter McCorkle of McDuffie County, 4th District; Matt Bottoms of Pike County, 5th District; James Emory Tate of Jeff Davis County, 6th District; Ben Boyd of Screven County, 7th District; Don Wood of Wilcox County, 8th District; Lucius Adkins of Baker County, 9th District; and Lamar Vickers of Berrien County, 第十区.

Cleve Jackson of Floyd County was named chairman of the GFB Young Farmers & 牧场主委员会. Stephanie Branch of Rabun County was selected to chair the GFB Women’s Leadership Committee. Each will serve a one-year term as committee chairmen and will sit on the GFB Board of Directors.

Appointed officers of the GFB Board of Directors include General Counsel Duke Groover,

首席财务官 & Corporate Treasurer David Jolley, Chief Administrative Officer Jeffrey Harvey, Corporate Secretary & Senior Counsel Jeanna Fennell, and Assistant Corporate Treasurer Rachel Mosely.

Delegates also voted on policy that will direct the organization’s stance on legislative issues pertaining to agriculture in the coming year.


成立于1937年, the 乔治亚州农场局 Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158-chapter offices that cover all of Georgia’s 159 counties. 作为一个亚洲体育博彩平台驱动, 非政府组织, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. Its volunteer members actively participate in activities that promote agriculture awareness.

GFB membership is open to the public and offers a wide variety of benefits. Enrollment in any of the member benefits is optional and not a requirement for membership. If you would like more information about agriculture, please visit, like 乔治亚州农场局 on 脸谱网 @GeorgiaFarmBureau or follow on 推特 @GaFarmBureau.


Pictured from left, 乔治亚州农场局 President Tom McCall, GFB 1st Vice President & 南乔治亚州副总统丹尼尔·约翰逊, North Georgia Vice President Bernard Sims and Middle Georgia Vice President Ralph 考德威尔 will lead the state’s largest general farm organization in 2024.  





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